My struggle is with.... depression.
I know - there's a big push to get America and Canada on anti-depressants. I disagree with that. Many people don't really need them. Times of depression can be good. They can draw us to God or help us redirect our wrong ways.
However, there are times when people should be medicated. It took me way too long to admit this and I had to suffer, therefore so did my husband and kids. A chemical imbalance runs in my family and it causes depression. My mom, sister, and I are all medicated and it allows us to feel normal. It's kind of like a diabetic who requires daily insulin shots. I wish that this medication was available 40 years ago. If my grandma had been on it, she might not have committed suicide.
If you think that you may have a chemical imbalance, please go see your doctor. I wish that I hadn't been so embarrassed and put it off. Medicine used to be expensive, but now it's available in Wal-Mart and Target pharmacies - $4 for a months supply. (By the way, this chemical imbalance wasn't triggered in me until my last child was born.)
Even though I'm medicated, I still struggle with normal bouts of depression. Medicine doesn't fix everything. During these times, when the enemy tries to rob me of my hope, I try to concentrate on what I can do to make life more positive. There are so many things that I can do, instead of moping around or hiding under my covers, waiting until it passes.
- I've found prayer to be helpful, especially praying for others who are worse off than me.
- Listening and singing Christian songs gets my mind off of me and on worshiping the Lord.
- Encouraging others and serving God
- Showing love to my kids and trying to create happy times in their childhood
- Reading the Bible - story after story tells how God overcomes evil, and how He uses weaklings and misfits to do His work

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