My life would be simpler if....
my husband and I could get out of debt. We've been struggling financially for over 15 years. It just seems to go on and on, like a rut that we can't get out of. We've learned about getting out of debt and how to live frugally from Crown Financial and their Money Matters radio show. But, it takes a long time to fix a debt problem.
This debt controls our lives. My husband is spending year after year working and working, while the children are growing up. I do everything that I can so that we don't have to spend money beyond what is absolutely necessary. My kids feel like they are growing up poor. Most of our decisions are made based on the lack of finances. Both my husband and I feel like we are not living how God has willed us to live, because we have to deal with the money issues first.
I really regret that we let this happen to us. We pray about it and we trust God to help us. But we have a problem to deal with - a consequence for the financial choices that we made many years ago.
Oh ... I can't wait until we are debt free. I wonder what God has planned for us. Maybe He will have us work in a church, or work for a Christian ministry, adopt a child, start a ministry, or even move to another state. For now, almost everything is on hold until we get rid of this debt. I'm definitely learning about perseverance.
If you need something and don't have the money for it, please don't charge it. For us, it started with furniture. First we wanted a couch and then a bigger bed. Then, charging became easier for us. We got a car loan and eventually borrowed way too much money to start a business. What a regret that was. God didn't provide the money for the business, because He didn't want us to do it. We borrowed the money anyhow and the business ended up causing more debt than we ever earned from it. Please, wait until you earn the money or until God provides it. Getting a loan or charging on a credit card is not God's provision.
I really hope that I can encourage someone to learn from our mistake. Going into debt causes a lot of problems and I don't want other Christians to have to experience it. Debt is breaking up Christian marriages and keeping people from giving financially to the Lord's work.

Praying for financial blessings for you dear.
Dave Ramsey has some pretty good ideas for reducing debt, and living very inexpensively. I had six children and homeschooled also, and really, when they got to be teens, it was a bit easier as God provided ways for them to earn $ over and above what we could provide. I cooked from scratch, the kids wore hand me downs, and we had fun in inexpensive building campfires, sleeping out in the woods (with their buddies!) homemade pizza and a rented movie on Friday nights, the dollar menu after church for lunch, picnics with friends, lots of potlucks, etc. Those days were actually enjoyable, even though we didn't own our own home and had very litte money. God will make a way! hugs, cathy
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