"Smile often and let kindness be a cloak you wear as an example to your children."
This is a quote that I've seen on many blogs today as a
Daily Motivation for Moms.
Well, I don't smile as much as I used to. The monotony of my life, financial stress, and the uncertainty of my future has gotten to me. And my lack of smiling proves it. I must not be too enjoyabe to look at. Kids probably don't want to look into a mother's stressed face.
So, I'm doing a smile experiment for a week. In fact, I started today. I consciously put forth a strong effort to smile at my children. I'm going to try to create opportunities for us to smile and laugh together. Even if I can't come up with a reason to smile, I'm going to smile anyway.
I wonder how my children will respond. How will smiling for a week impact them? When I find out, I'll add an update to this post.

A great experiment! I have an old friend who used to say "fake it 'til you make it." Sometimes, the forced smile comes first, and your heart follows later.
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