Tuesday's in Other Words Meme
This week's writing prompt is:
"....the brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people.....Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something."
- by Dr. Randy Pausch
The big brick wall in my life would be financial problems. My husband and I created a mountain of debt and we're a one income family while I homeschool the kids. These are choices that we made, but the consequences of said choices makes for one great big wall that I find myself dealing with on a daily basis. Every day, I have to make frugal decisions and figure out how to pay the overdue bills.
Our goal is to get over this wall, so that we can be freed up to serve God better. My husband and I feel like we are being tugged towards adoption and full time ministry. However, for now, this big wall of debt keeps us from pursuing those things. I don't see any positive changes happening; that's where faith comes in. God is amazing. He could change it all in the next few weeks. Or, He could stretch it out for 20 more years. I don't understand His reasoning, but He knows what He is doing.
Having this brick wall shows me how bad I want to be on the other side of it. I probably desire things like adoption and full time ministry, because there is no possible way to have it right now. I think that it is normal for people not to realize blessings when they are so easily available. It's the things that we wait and hope for that we really appreciate.
It's a good thing that I didn't write this last night, because I wasn't very hopeful. I cried out to Jesus and listened to uplifting songs which reminded me of how He is strengthening me to get through this difficulty. Today I'm much, much better. I have renewed strength and I'm willing to keep pressing on until I get past this brick wall, even if it takes longer than I could possibly imagine. Perseverance isn't easy, but it's a requirement when you're wanting to live in the will of God.

Bless you sweetie. I will be praying for God to lift you over this brick wall.
Thanks for sharing your wall. I had a similar financial situation recently and I sought God first and trusted Him. T
he more I sought Him the more He provided. He uses our weakness to bring us to Him. PTL!
"But as for me, I will look to the Lord and confident in Him I will keep watch; I will wait with hope and expectancy for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.” (Micah 7:7)
OUR God can climb and conquer ANY wall with us....He is limitless!!
Stay encouraged and peace to you as you endure the journey of climbing that is often exhausting...
Thank you for sharing your heart today with us...God will rise you up over that wall, you will be changed in ways only HE can know...
Praise God for your renewed strength as you face this brick wall in your life. I trust Him to bring you through it and to fulfill your desires. Your hearts seem so intent on serving Him. God bless you.
Thank you for the confession of your heart on this subject. It is powerful and it is truth in action. You are a blessing dear and God will see you through the lean years and restore to you the years the locusts have eaten.
I do understand an aspect of your "wall" because we too are running into it. We just bought a house like a month ago, and it's created more debt than we would like. I really hate money and the "need" to have it for everything. So often I struggle with wondering if God thinks credit cards are evil, lol. I mean, I know they stink, but is it a sin to use them? We never use it unless it's absolutely necessary - but upon buying this house and needing it to pass inspection, lots of "necessaries" (aka necessitites) came up, and it added up fast. Now we're sitting on a mountain of debt and wondering, "How are we going to get out of it?" I mean, I don't know your full situation, obviously, but I can relate. Our bills are getting paid, but our budget is extremely tight. I keep hearing wonderful things about a book called "Total Money Makeover". We may have to look into it. I hear people saying how he helps people manage their finances and get them out of debt faster. I just don't know what else we could possibly do - I feel like we have cut corners on everything.
Anyhoo - definately trusting God with this type of wall can be tricky, because we want to keep "taking it back" after we lay it down for Him to handle. He knows your heart and where it lies - keep pressing forward and praying through it. (((Hugs)))
I really hear what you're saying...thank you for being so honest.
mine would be unequally yoked marriage, and financials too. But the latter is working itself out.
Thank you for letting me know that we are not alone. I echo your prayer. I see our debt as those walls of water the Israelites crossed between. It is SO hard. I want God to swoop it away with a word, "Be gone, Debt!"..but alas, His thoughts are not mine! He is teaching me about faith, belief, trust, perseverance, simplicity, pride, shame..so many things...I am a SAHM as well and my hubby works 2 jobs...I feel a bit weary today..but I am realizing He wants me to stop 'resisting' and trying to 'fix' things, and just remain in His rest as this is part of His plan..His Hand is here..I need to look for Him..not the solution...May God shower you with unexpected relief..
Blessings, Sita
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