What is a good tip or some good advice you found on the Internet?
My answer: I've found lots of good advice about being frugal. I'm on a mission to get out of debt. There are many really good places to get frugal advice on the Internet.
If you're interested in frugal tips:
101 Thrifty Articles
The Dollar Stretcher
Frugal Friday Meme

I don't think I've found many on the internet, except for those involving energy tips, like wash your clothes in cold water.
The best thing I have found is learning to make the "extra bucks" at CVS pay for everything.
I think the best tips I have found online are cleaning tips, for stain removal.
Great question!! Hope you have a wonderful Aloha Friday!
I've found some great ideas/tips at Get Organized Now. My Aloha Friday is up here: Spice World. TGIF!!!!
Thanks for the link love. Thrifty Mommy is full of articles on saving money, but the 101 helpful articles has links to most of the valuable ones.
For getting out of debt, I recommend Dave Ramsey's site and his book Total Money Makeover.
I would say your blog is a good resource for me :)
I can't think of any specific but I do rely on the internet for any kind of info I'm looking for. I can't imagine life without this wonderful resource!
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