Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Drop Your Wallet

Here's an easy way to witness during the summer - on vacation, at fairs, parades, and other summer events.

These wallets are actually gospel tracts. On the inside, they tell ab
out the salvation of Jesus. Just leave them around and you will be witnessing for Jesus.
100 Wallet Tracts cost $12

(Some people even include a real dollar inside the wallet before distributing it.)

The Wallet unfolds twice to reveal the following text:


1. If this was a real wallet, packed with real money, would you: A. Keep it? B. Take it to the police? C. Give some of the money to the poor?

2. You have been underpaid for years. There's a BIG mistake in your paycheck to your advantage, would you: A. Tell the boss? B. Keep quiet? C. Give some to a church?

3. If telling a white lie would save a friend's job, would you: A. Tell the truth? B. Act dumb? C. Lie?

4. Do you consider yourself to be a "good" person? A. Yes. B. No.

5. Have you ever told a lie for any reason (including "fibs" and "white" lies--be honest)? A. Yes. B. No.

6. Have you ever stolen something--irrespective of its value (listen to your conscience)? A. Yes. B. No.

7. Would you consider a person who admits that they are a liar and a thief, to be a "good" person?

8. Who do you think will enter Heaven? A. Those who say they are good when they are not? B. Liars and thieves? C. Those whom God has forgiven and cleansed of sin?

9. Did you realize that the Bible warns that thieves, liars, fornicators (those who have had sex out of marriage), idolaters (those who create a god to suit themselves), adulterers, and the covetous (the greedy), will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

10. Did you also realize that the Bible says that if you look with lust, you commit adultery in your heart? On Judgment Day every sin you have ever committed (even secret sins) will come out as evidence of your guilt. When you stand before your holy Creator on Judgment Day, will you be innocent or guilty of breaking His Commandments? Will you go to Heaven or Hell (there is no such place as Purgatory)? Please, let go of your self-righteousness (saying that you are good when you are not). Instead put your faith in Jesus Christ. He suffered and died on the Cross, taking the punishment for all of your sins. God loves you so much He sent His Son to die in your place. Then Jesus rose from the dead and defeated death. If you will repent and trust Him, God will forgive your sins and give you everlasting life. Death will lose its sting! Nothing is as important as your eternal salvation, so pray something like this right now (you may not have tomorrow): "Dear God, I have sinned against you. I now turn from all sin and trust Jesus Christ alone as my Lord and Savior. I will read Your Word daily and obey what I read. In Jesus� name I pray. Amen."



A Stone Gatherer said...

Cool idea! My dad use to have a fake $20 tract! It got me every time!

Dee said...

I've never seen that one before, pretty good track.


Margaret Braun said...

Thank you for the encouragement. It's been hard, but I've drawn a lot closer to God since. He's good and faithful. Blessings!

Addicted to Beadz said...

Hey Maise,

I came over to visit you and leave a message. This wallet tract is very cool. I'm going to check into it further.

Thanks for visiting and your message.

Here is a link to Hillsong. It is a 9 minute video of them talking about their song "Healer." It is absolutely awesome. Thought you might enjoy!


Jennifer said...

That is really cool! Our family loves putting out tracks, but I've never heard of this one. Very creative!

Peculiar said...

Hmmm, Maisie, these are neat. I guess someone who was already saved, who happened along and thought someone just left their wallet, could just pass this along to someone else, or actually, just leave it and pray that God allows someone else to come along who is not saved and finds Jesus through it. Most of us would be so tempted to go and turn it in to whoever was around or in authority. An unsaved person could do the same thing too though, and never open it to read what was inside. There are some "good" unsaved people out there. I guess all we can say is that God already knows how or when He would use such a ministry tool. He knows who the person's going to be. We'll just let Him work that out huh?

Always good to stop by your place, as usual. I'm going back to read more of your posts now.

Laurie Ann said...

That's different. Neat!

Dee said...

just checking to see if your okay? you haven't blogged in a while. Do you have a link to your personal blog that you would like to share? Just wondering?

Hope all is well!


Peggy said...

Maisie...I'm so glad that you came to visit since I didn't see your name on I know why!

Hope you enjoy your project time and come back soon fresh and relaxed, ready to jump back in again!

This was such an awesome idea for a TRACT! I had seen fake money with John 3:16 message but never this one! I don't think it would work here in Mexico, not even in Spanish! Praise God for the creativity!

Hoping all is well with you and your spirit & mind!! Bless you for visiting me so I get a chance to read what's up with you! Come back when you're blogging again, so I know you are OK & back! I'll be missing you on TT or TSMSS cuz I look for names I know! God bless you and your break from blogging!

Amrita said...

This is a very good idea Masie.
Have a good break

SheriYates said...

Great idea!
Oh man, I thought I lost you. I couldn't find your blog name and whew. I finally found a link in a folder I had! I miss you and your comments and your blog! Hope you are wonderful!

Vashonnte said...

Hey i miss you much! i just wanted to say hello, ive been so busy so I hope all is well! i will e-mail you, looks like you may be taking a little break too! much love!

Peggy said...

Hey Maisie...where are you? Are you alright?

Just me...inviting you over to my place this FRIDAY, Aug,'s a special day! Hope you get this & come visit!