Friday, August 1, 2008

God is Mighty to Save

Then Sings My Soul Saturday

You're My Savior, You Can Move the Mountain -

And boy do I have a mountain in my life. I haven't been standing very strong against the spiritual attacks coming my way. The past few months - I've struggled with depression, a lack of hope, frustration with my marriage, fearing the future. I've felt like giving up. But that's just what the enemy wants. God has a plan for me and I have to keep persevering. I have to trust in Him, even when I see nothing happening. I have to remind myself that He can move mountains.

Mighty to Save by Laura Story



agapesmansion said...

He can move any mountain! Thanks for sharing.

Colored Heart said...

hi, masie. God is indeed mighty to save... to save us from ourselves, most of the time. :) thanks for sharing. happy weekend!

Peggy said...

Bless you Maisie...I knew something was up cuz I haven't seen you! I even invited you to my Friday special day
post and you didn't come! I'm so sad that you didn't ask me for prayer or let me know so I too can call out to God for you to yank you out of this pit and MOVE that mountain! I was hoping that you felt safe sharing with me and trusting that I would pray you through this...but I'm so thankful God let you know HE DOES HAVE a PLAN for YOU and waiting to complete it! TRUST! MOVE FORWARD!
Let Him move that mountain! My sound is not working...who knows why...but is this the same Mighty to Save as Hillsong has? Who is Laura Story? Is she the singer or the original composer? I'm going to be gone a while but please come over and visit soon so I know how I can pray...just say not to publish and I'll read and keep it UN Published if you say personal stuff! May God lighten your load and rescue from the enemy & the pit! I'm rooting for you! You are on the winning side! More than Conqueror!

My Friday post has an Award with your name on it waiting...I had your old blog name so you are under C...but I've added your new Maisie's Soapbox...hey sounds like my life story.Come SHARE the LOVE!

Sheila said...

Your hope is in the right place. Wait on the Lord, He WILL strengthen your heart. I've been in that place many times and He's never failed me!


Deborah said...

I am praying for you and yes, God is mighty to save.

Mari said...

This is one of my favorites...I've never heard this version before. Great song and great reminder...He can move moutains. Bless you!

GranthamLynn said...

Maisie what a sweet post. I absolutely love the song. I don't think I have heard it before.
Thanks you so much for sharing. I am so glad you put it up this morning because it brought me by to visit. I understand your hurting, and frustration. And I know really know what it feels like to begin to loose faith. But we have to perserve because you are right it is the enemy that is giving us those feelings. Rest in God's assurance and know that your friends old and new are praying for you and the God will move the mountain.
I hope you have a Blessed weekend.

Mocha with Linda said...

I love this song!! Be encouraged!

Addicted to Beadz said...


I posted this song last week. I just love it. Just lean on Him and you will get through this time.

Glad to see you are back!


Mindy said...

Yes He can!

Paulette and Jack said...

Hi there, Love your flowers!!! Came here from Peggy's site. Thanks for your honesty!!! God be with you. I've been hearing a great deal about Laura lately, she and I have the same Alma Matter and I just found out. That song is powerful. This may not be your style but Natalie Grant's song "I will not be moved" has been my war cry lately. God knows the very depths of your heart even better than you do. I don't know you, but I know the depths of what demons throw at us here and what feeling like your suffocating feels like. I also know the Lord's Word has been true that He has not failed me yet when EVERYONE around me has at one time or another and I'm sure I failed them and Him many times myself and still He is faithful when we are faithless. 2 Timothy 2:13

The Lord be my witness, she's said nothing to me and I didn't even know about her comment - I was drawn to your flowers !!!! But God knew why I really came here. I'm not a major blogger - I visit 2 regularly, but I was drawn to this site tonight I would guess by God because of His great love for you. I John 4:4, 5:4-5. When I took this in Greek and we were translating vss. 4-5 I could just see the sword in the way it was written - like conquering King overcome!

Laurie Ann said...

Isn't this a great song about God's power? He can indeed move any mountains you need moved. I will be praying for you. Thanks so much for sharing this powerful song.

Amy Wyatt said...

I love this song. And as the song says, He conquered the grave and He can conquer all of those things you are struggling with. I pray you will be encouraged and lifted up. So glad you joined in TSMS this weekend. Hope all of the songs will lift your spirits. Please come back and join us again!

Michele Williams said...

Thank you for sharing your sweet heart. May our Lord continue to lead you and give you peace.

Cristine said...

Maisie -

I love this song. It has been a regular for me lately. I think the neighbors may be ready to move away! Anyway, sister - we are in the same depression boat... that sinking feeling really can weigh on you and drag you down. But, yes - He is mighty to save. God bless you for sharing and I will be praying for you.


Anonymous said...

ooohhh ooohhh... I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song!